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Smile English Hard

de Avril Lavigne

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You that I'm a bitch
I do what I want when I feel it
All I do is lose control
But you don't really give a shit
you don't let it go let it go with it
cause you're fucking crazy rock'n'roll

you said hey
what's your name
it took one look
and now I'm not the same
yeah you said yeah
and since that day
you stole my heart
and you're the one to blame

and that's why I smile
It's been a while
since day and everything has
felt right
and now you're turning all around
and suddenly you're all I need

The reason why I smile

That's not a out I think
did you, what did you put in my drink
I remember making out but then
I woke up with a new tattoo
your was on me and my name was on you
I will do it all over again

you said hey
what's your name
it took one look
and now I'm not the same
yeah you said yeah
and that day
you stole my heart
and you're the one to blame

and that's why I smile
It's been a while
every day and everything has
felt right
and now you're all around
and you're all I need

You know that I'm a crazy bitch
I do what I when I feel like it
All I do is control
You know that I'm a crazy bitch
I do I want when I feel like it
All I wanna do is control

and that's why I smile
It's been a while
since day and everything has
this right
and now you're turning all around
and suddenly you're all I need
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