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Monster English Medium

de Skillet

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The side of me...
I never let you see...
I keep it caged,
But I can't control it...
So stay away from me...
The beast is ugly...
I the rage,
And I just can't it...!

It's scratchin on the walls...
In the closet, in the halls...
It awake,
And I can't control it...
Hiding under the bed...
In my body, in my head...
Why won't come and save me from this make it end...!

I feel it deep within...!
It's just beneath the skin...!
I must confess that I feel like a Monster...!
I hate what I've become...!
This night has just begun...!
I must confess that I feel like a Monster...!


I feel like a Monster!


I feel like a Monster!

My secret side I keep...
Hid under lock and key...
I it caged,
But I can't control it...!
Cause if I let him out...
He'll tear me up, me down...
Why won't somebody and save me from this make it end...!

I feel it within...!
It's just the skin...!
I must confess that I feel like a Monster...!
I hate what I've become...!
night has just begun...!
I must confess I like a Monster...! (x2)


I feel like a Monster!


I feel a Monster!

It's hiding in the dark,
It's teeth are razor sharp,
There's no escape for me it wants my it wants my heart...!
No one can me scream,
Maybe it's just a dream,
it's inside of me...!
(Stop Monster!)

I feel it deep within...!
It's just beneath the skin...!
I must confess that I feel like a Monster!

I hate what I've become...!
This night has begun...!
I must that I feel like a Monster...!

I feel it deep within...!
It's just beneath the skin...!
I must confess that I feel a Monster...!
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