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Knives And Pens English Medium

de Black Veil Brides

Completa los huecos, después pulsa el botón Score para chequear tus respuestas
at last, we can sit and fight
And I've lost all in this light
But right here we can change our plight
We're storming this despite what's right

One fight, for tonight
With knives and we made our plight

Lay your heart down the ends in sight
Conscience for you to do what's right
it's still the dull knife
it and justify your pride

One final fight, for this tonight
With knives and pens we made our plight
And I can't go on love, you lost you
held on
We tried our best turn out the light
out the light

One final fight, for this tonight
With and we made our plight
And I can't go on without your love, you lost you
Never held on
We tried our best turn out the light
Turn out the light

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