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Worried About Ray English Easy

de The Hoosiers

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be told, the be told
I'm worried about the future holds, the future holds
I'm starting to worry Ray

Truth be told, the truth be told
I'm about the future holds, the future holds
I'm seriously worried Ray

They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall
say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall

be told, the be told
I'm treading on my toes, my tippy toes
I'm starting to worry about Ray

Truth be told, the truth be told
I'm treading on my tippy toes, my tippy toes
I'm painfully so worried about Ray

They say the future's out to get you
You know I won't let you fall
They say the future's out to get you
You know I won't let you fall,no

say the future's out to get you
You know I won't let you fall
They say the future's out to get you
You know I won't let you fall
The future's out to get you
The future's out to get you, oh
The future's out to get you
The future's out to get you, oh

Truth be told, the be told
I'm worried the future holds, the future holds
I'm so tired of being worried Ray

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