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So Long English Medium

de Fischer Z

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When I read your letter I couldn’t believe that you’d gone.
I dialled number but no one answered the phone.
I friends to tell me if they knew you were,
they said they thought you were ill.
I a detective to try and out where you are.
he managed to trace you, he said you were living in france.
a watchman saw you into someone else’s car and drive off
laughing in the night. why didn’t you tell me? not leave me way.
you could told me and not waited for so long.
I’ve tried to you but I myself walking the street.
I went to the doctor and he me something to sleep. i’ve sent
you telegrams but you haven’t one. your mother told me
I best you well alone. I hope satisfied now you’ve done
this thing to me. I hope you’re pleased with what you’ve done.
why didn’t you me? not leave me this way. oh you could have told
me and not waited for so long.
For so long I realized just exactly who you were. I never
realized exactly. i’ve never the I had before.
I hope you’re you hear from me again. I hope
you’re what you’ve done. why didn’t you tell me?
not leave me this way. oh you have told me and not
waited for so long.
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