
Superstitions Using First Conditional by Learn English With Beats (YouTube)

If you smash a mirror, you (1)________ have 7 years' bad luck, but you (2)________ have good luck if you (3)__________ a lucky rabbit's foot.

If you see a magpie, and it's all on its own, you must salute the magpie - you will have bad luck if you don't.

If you (4)__________ on wood, it (5)________ keep all bad (6)________ away. Your (7)________ will not come true if you reveal it on (8)________ birthday.

If you open an (9)________________ and you're still inside, bad luck will rain down on you so please don't even try.
(1) will(2) will(3) carry(4) knock(5) will(6) luck(7) wish(8) your(9) umbrella