
Centinela by Nortec Collective Presents: Bostich + Fussible

The story starts, it was a late November night
She had a flower in her hair, he had his uniform on tight
He patrolled his watch, like nothing else was wrong
She danced by him with her face as pale as dawn

He looked into her eyes and saw nothing there
He said, "excuse me seƱorita, but I don't believe we've had the pleasure"
She said "of course you know me, I'm here every year,
but don't you get to close when I'm dancing my dear"

He thought, "how can I not fall in love with that,
a (1)____________ little women with an attitude to match"
He reached for her hand, and she wasn't impressed,
she (2)____________ (3)____________ to do with his gentle caress.

Won't you dance with me tonite
Hold my hand (4)__________ the moonlight
All we (5)________ is just today
Until my bones just blow away.

And this happened every year .. every year like clock work.

But let me first tell how it really began

About ten years from exactly this date
A young man was sent away to fight in a far off place
La Centinela had to say goodbye,
had to leave his home and his lover's pretty eyes

It (6)__________ her heart and she wanted him to stay
But not even her gentle hands could persuade him another way.
He was gone for what seemed to be years,
and his beautiful lover counted everyday with tears

November 1st was the last time she cried
thinking he'd be coming home but all she heard was that he'd died.
She was told he was a brave young man
But it was news his (7)__________ lover just, she just couldn't understand.

So she drowned her sorrow and her soul, the only way she knew how
by throwing herself into the well. She thought together, they'd be together in the afterlife.

Won't you dance with me tonite
Hold my hand under the moonlight
All we have is just today
Until my bones just blow away.

But what she didn't know, is that she had heard wrong
The young man did return, only to find that she had fallen
Her untimely death meant (8)________ they were now both alone
Never to dance together again or see how old that they had grown

The next day he placed flowers by the well
burned candles in the evening wishing he'd been the one that fell
He knew seeing her wouldn't happen with just tears
So he decided to wait for her, like she had done for all those years

November 2nd from this point on
He made sure he patrolled until the break of dawn
So they could dance together, for just this one day,
Holding hands with his calavera on El Dia de la muerte

Won't you dance with me tonite
Hold my (9)________ under the moonlight
All we have is just today
Until my bones just blow away.
(1) pretty(2) wanted(3) little(4) under(5) have(6) broke(7) young(8) that(9) hand